What to Expect

Grace follows the ancient form of Christian liturgy: Gathering • Word • Meal • Sending

We are informal, but we practice reverence for God and for one another in intentional ways. Some of us bow to the cross as it enters and exits the sanctuary. We often connect the message of grace with God's desire for us to live lives of abundant action—working for justice, peace, and inclusion.

All are welcome to receive communion at Grace. We commune young children, relying on God's promise of grace that there is nothing one needs to learn or earn to receive it. However, because we also value faith education, we offer communion classes annually when children are ready to learn more about communion. Parents or Guardians are always welcome to have a discussion with the pastor regarding young ones receiving communion.

We are happy to offer a blessing to your child during communion if you prefer to wait for them to go through communion classes when they are older. The choice of receiving communion is ultimately a decision made by the family and we will be ready to offer this meal of grace and forgiveness at any time.

We also offer blessings and words of welcome to all who come forward to the table, whether you are Christian or not. While some may not feel they are ready to receive the sacrament, there is still an affirming place at God's table

During our worship service, the sanctuary is filled with the echoes of ancient liturgy. It entails a mix of music from multiple communities and languages, powerful proclamation, and a more traditional communion practice. We have a full bulletin, and we use bibles and hymn books during the service.

Inside our sanctuary, you will find the ancient symbols of the church placed within stained glass surrounding our worship space. There is a large abstract crucifix that hangs above the altar and the altar is natural wood with varying colors representing the varying colors of humanity. You will hear the organ or piano used throughout our worship service and find people dressed casually all the way to their “Sunday best suit”.

Children are always welcome! We welcome their giggles, wiggles, and outbursts! Up front, in our west transept there is a prayground with soft and quiet toys for children to play with during the worship service. We intentionally placed children near the action so they can engage in worship as their little attention spans allow.

During the Summer, we enjoy worship at an hour earlier, 10am. We may be outside on our front lawn (weather permitting) for service or indoors in our Sanctuary.

Come as you are! There is a place for you here.