within our walls

Altar Care

Altar Care prepares the altar for all worship services. They ensure communion is prepared and set, candles are lit, the baptismal font has water, and the correct liturgical color is being used. Don’t worry, there is a chart to help with all of this! Altar Care also cleans up at the end of the service including clearing the altar and washing communion cups. Altar Care provides the opportunity to serve the community in setting the worship space.


Green Team

Grace’s Green Team encourages practices that care for creation, including collecting items for reuse, energy conservation and green energy initiatives, water conservation, recycling and composting, and planting native species on our campus to create habitat and food for pollinators. The Green Team also initiated Grace’s Land Acknowledgement practice, which has led to a partnership with Evanston’s Mitchell Museum of the American Indian.


Wonderful Wednesday

Each Wednesday at 6pm we join in the Parish Hall for a homecooked meal. It’s a time to gather and share a meal in community. There are always activities for kids and plenty of ice cream to choose from! Everyone pitches in to clean up and the Bob duo (Bob C. & Bob S.) are our inimitable chefs.


Prayer Ministry

This ministry is largely virtual as an email is sent out with prayer requests but the ministry is vital nonetheless as we pray to support those within and outside of our community. You are always welcome to pray with us!

beyond our walls

Family Promise

Family Promise is a national organization that connects congregations off all faiths with families who are in a temporary homeless situation in their local communities. Connections are mediated by trained permanent local staff. Families live at Grace each evening for a week or longer multiple times a year, supported by volunteers from Grace and Family Promise staff. Grace children are encouraged to join their parents in helping.


Partners in Ministry

As a congregation, Grace is focused outward and loves to support other ministries and organizations. We build this focus into our budget under the heading “Partners in Ministry”:

  • ELCA/Metropolitan Chicago Synod- this is our largest funded partner in ministry, and we attempt to increase our giving each year. As an ELCA church that is under the care of the Metropolitan Chicago Synod we offer them this financial gift as you might offer Grace your financial gift. Our gift supports synod staff, new mission starts, and the whole ELCA.
  • Emergency Assistance/Pastor’s Discretionary fund is used for those in our community who might be experiencing a financial difficulty of some sort. Mainly, these funds go to folks who do not attend Grace but live in or near the Evanston community.
  • Inspired Giving- this fund helps local, national, and international efforts that members are involved with or find important to support their work. Examples of our Inspired Giving include Interfaith Action of Evanston, Walk for Warmth, Connections for the Homeless, Reconciling Works, Soup Kitchen, Little Free Pantry, and more. This fund is sustained by your gifts, you inspire us and these organizations! Please feel free to share your ideas for inspired giving!

Interfaith Action of Evanston

Interfaith Action Evanston focuses on the hungry, unhoused, or those needing critical household supplies such as toilet paper soap etc. Here are some ways to become involved. Collect requested items and contributions; Shop and deliver items; Staff emergency overnight shelter; raise money by walking in the Walk for Warmth event. Watch Gracenote or the bulletin for opportunities.

Little Free Pantry

Grace maintains a Little Free Pantry on the east side of our property. The LFP serves neighbors in need; Grace volunteers stock it 3 times each week. Ways to become involved: Donate food or funds for non-perishable items; Stock the pantry either one day a week or as a substitute; Shop and move groceries to the storage area at Grace


Grace stewards a garden on the west side of our building. Grace members and friends help maintain this garden by planting, watering, harvesting, and preparing the beds for the next season. Our produce is donated to Edible Evanston which supports other local organizations and food pantries. You are always welcome to help steward this garden!