Core Values: Affirming • Courageous • Caring

We affirm all people—inclusive of ethnicity, sexuality, religion, politics, age, gender, or gender identity—as fundamentally beloved and created by God, worthy of respect, acknowledgement, and full inclusion. 

We challenge ourselves and our society to live courageously in the midst of great despair, confusion, greed, oppression and violence. We believe in the words of Jesus found in the Gospels that call all Christians to confront the powers and principalities of this world that disenfranchise, marginalize, and abuse the least among us.

We care for all people and one another by the power of God's grace, shown through Jesus' ministry, suffering, sacrifice and joyful resurrection. We lead with courage to follow the Holy Spirit’s call to the margins of our society and continue with care that is mutual and respectful. We are called to care for all of God’s creation including nature and humanity.

VISION: All God’s people will feel accepted, challenged, and cared for by Grace Church.

MISSION: To courageously live out our faith by sharing grace with each other and the communities we serve.